Batch File Progress Bar While Copying

  • How To Show a Progress Bar While Copying Files? Ill try the new batch in a bit when i get time and let you know what happens. Progress Indicator For.
  • Feb 21, 2011  In dependency of your Batch-File you can bind a Progress Bar to the result of this event. For example: When your Batch File copies some folder or files from a optical device to your hard disc you can check the hard disk space before copying starts. You also can check the volume of your filed and folder wich you like to copy.
  • Ok so here is the deal, I have a batch file that is set to delete a bunch of files and directories.then after that is completed it copies a.msi down from our server and then runs it. I want to add a progress bar to while it is copying down the MSI.
  • When your copying the 3GB file, it would look like the file hung for 10% of the copy but race through 90% of the copy. See More: Progress Bar in Batch File.
  • Hi, I'm trying to make a progress bar animate while copying my files, I'm making a backup batch files and i have the animation code for the progress bar but can't make them run in the same time i tried the ULTIMATE WHILE LOOP of Aacini but couldn't make it work.
  • In dependency of your Batch-File you can bind a Progress Bar to the result of this event. For example: When your Batch File copies some folder or files from a optical device to your hard disc you can check the hard disk space before copying starts.

How do I track the progress of XCopy command while It's running? To copy using the batch file at this point. To view the progress of the copy as it occurs.I.

Advanced-Copy is a powerful command line program which is very much similar, but little modified version of original cp command. This modified version of cp command adds a progress bar along with total time taken to complete, while copying large files from one location to another. This additional feature is very useful especially while copying large files, and this gives an idea to user about the status of copy process and how long it takes to complete.

Download and Install Advanced-Copy


There are two methods to install Advanced-Copy utility in Linux systems, either you compile from sources or using pre-compiled binaries. Installing from pre-compiled binaries should always work correctly and requires lesser experience and very effective for Linux newbies.

But I suggest you to compile from sources, for this you required original version of GNU coreutils and latest patchfile of Advacned-Copy. The whole installation should go like this:

Compiling from Sources

First, download the latest version of GNU coreutils and patchfile using wget command and compile and patch it as shown below, you must be root user to perform all commands.

You might get the following error, while running “./configure” command.

Run the following command on the terminal to fix that error and run the “./configure” command again.

Once, compilation completes, two new commands are created under src/cp and src/mv. You need to replace your original cp and mv commands with these two new commands to get the progress bar while copying files.

Note: If you don’t want to copy these commands under standard system paths, you can still run them from source directory like “./cp” and “./mv or create new commands as shown”.

Batch File Progress Bar While Copying

Automatic progress bar

If you want the progress bar to be appear all the time while copying, you need to add the following lines to your ~/.bashrc file. Save and close the file

You need to logout and login again to get this work correctly.

How to Use Advacned-Copy Command

The command is same, the only change is adding “-g” or “–progress-bar” option with cp command. The “-R” option is for copying directories recursively. Here is an example screen-shots of a copy process using advanced copy command.

Here is the example of ‘mv‘ command with screen-shot.

Batch File Progress Bar While Copying

Please remember, original commands are not overwritten, if you ever need to use them or you’re not happy with the new progress bar, and want to revert back to original cp and mv commands. You can call them via /usr/bin/cp or /usr/bin/mv.

Batch File Progress Bar


C# Copy File Progress

I really much impressed with this new progress bar feature, at least I would know some information of copy operation time and exactly what’s going on.

Overall I can say, it is really good tool to have in your pocket, especially when you are spending lots of time in copying and moving files through command line.

Batch File Progress Indicator
