Canned Software Advantages And Disadvantages

Some advantages of using computer aided designs include time saving, avoiding costly mistakes and improving the quality of design. The disadvantages may include costly start up expenses, elaborate training and difficulty in understanding conceptual form. Project Management Software Advantages and Disadvantages. Julian Hooks — February 20, 2013 Follow @UltimateMedical. Disadvantages of Project Management Software. Canned tuna also affects your health due to the fish’s fat content. The fish provides a modest source of omega-3 fatty acids, essential fats your body uses to maintain healthy skin and hair and to maintain the health of your cardiovascular system and brain. This is mainly because the advantages of open-source software is that it’s free to use – its greatest advantage. As it is developed by a non-profit community, it has some disadvantages as well. Open-source software is free to use, distribute, and modify. SAP Advantages and Disadvantages by Kathy Adams McIntosh; Updated September 26, 2017 Many businesses purchase enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems to manage various business processes within the organization -- including accounting, human resources and purchasing -- in one integrated system. Custom software (also known as bespoke software or tailor-made software) is software that is specially developed for some specific organization or other user. As such, it can be contrasted with the use of software packages developed for the mass market. Advantages and disadvantages. Advantages + Disadvantages Pros CopyLeft software and open content are usually free of charge and have lower consulting fees compared with proprietary software.

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  • February 18th, 2015
  • Mobile Security, Online Privacy, PC security

Technology can be defined as applications, instruments, or processes that enhance or simplify the aspects of everyday life. The vehicle you use to drive to work is an example of technology that simplifies life. Or, the Internet, as a whole, can be seen as technology that has greatly enhanced our lives. While the introduction of the Internet led to many benefits, unfortunately, it also came with its own set of problems. Most significantly, these problems can negatively impact your security and privacy.

Let’s address some of the advantages and disadvantages (drawbacks) of the Internet, and what you can do to keep your security and privacy intact.

Electronic Communications:
The Advantage:
Before the Internet came into existence, to communicate with someone who isn’t in the same room as you, you would have to call them on a phone. Or if you wanted to send them a note you had to send a letter through snail mail. With the introduction of the Internet, we now have the ability to send and receive messages through electronic mail- virtually instantaneously and without the need of a postage stamp.

The Problem:
Unfortunately, the ability to send and receive emails also created a means for cybercriminals to distribute spam and malware. Malware hiding in email attachments could wreak havoc to your PC or possibly even create a backdoor for an attacker to infiltrate your system. Through emails, cybercriminals saw this as another opportunity to play on human emotions and lure victims into revealing sensitive information through phishing scams.

What You Can Do
In addition to making sure your PC has an antivirus and two-way firewall, the key here is to think before you click. Did you get an email indicating there was unusual activity with your account and that you should click on this link to verify? Or, did you receive an email confirmation of a flight you did not make? In either instance, do not panic. If you’re unsure whether the email is legitimate or not, the best way to find out is to log into your online account directly to check on the claim. As always, never open email attachments from a sender you do not know.

Online Shopping:
The Advantage:
With the Internet came the convenience of online shopping. Rather than having to drive to a mall and wait in long lines to make a purchase, you can now do all of your shopping with a few clicks of the mouse. In addition, the Internet made it easier for individuals to price compare between different online retailers to see which one offers the best selections and prices.

The Problem:
While the Internet brought upon convenience for individuals to make online purchases, this also created yet another way for cybercriminals to steal personal information and to distribute malware.

First, cybercriminals create fake websites that offer goods at unbelievable prices to attract individuals. For example, during the Holiday Season you might search for the best electronic deals through a search engine. Cybercriminals can trick you into clicking on their fake website by boosting their ranking in the search engine results page (SERP) through a technique called SEO poisoning. You might think you’re making a legitimate purchase, but in actuality the cybercriminal has just taken hold of your personal information and could now use it to commit identity theft or sell it to the black market.

Second, cybercriminals can spread malware on legitimate websites by means of drive-by-downloads. Since popular and legitimate online shopping websites already receive a ton of visitors, this makes it much easier for cybercriminals to infect a wider reach of computers in a shorter amount of time. Legitimate websites could unknowingly distribute malware to visitors through malicious advertisements (or malvertisements) that are run by third-party vendors, or simply by hackers who have compromised the website itself.

What You Can Do
Rather than using a search engine to search for amazing deals during the Holiday season, it’s better to go to the official website of the online retailer directly. And if you’re thinking about making a purchase from unknown online retailers, simply don’t. When it comes to online retailer that might not be as popular or well-known as Amazon, tools such as MyWOT can give you a better idea of the reputation of the website. Additionally, PC security that comes with anti-phishing is a must in helping you avoid fraudulent websites. And just in case the legitimate website you’re visiting has been compromised, your security software is there to stop the threats before it has a chance to infect your PC!

Online Banking:
The Advantage:
Nowadays, online banking is practically the norm. You log into your online accounts to pay bills, transfer funds, or just to check your balance. Prior to online banking, you would have to drive to your local bank and wait in line for the next teller to have your transactions completed. With the Internet, you can avoid the line all together simply by remotely logging into your account on your computer and completing your transaction from there any time of day or night.

The Problem:
While the Internet brought upon efficiency and convenience of banking for consumers, this also gave cybercriminals a means to potentially steal your hard-earned cash. Cybercriminals could trick you into downloading a backdoor Trojan that would give them a back entry to your PC, where they could then record your banking credentials. Or, as mentioned in the section on “Electronic Communications”, cybercriminals could deceive you into revealing your credentials through a phishing scam. All of this could be done via the Internet without leaving any trace.


What You Can Do
One of the last things you want to happen to you is for a cybercriminal to have access to your finances. Cybercriminals can take advantage of vulnerabilities in outdated software and use it to infect your PC with malware that can steal your banking credentials, so be sure to have adequate PC security software and to keep your operating system, Web browsers, and other applications up-to-date. When it comes to accessing your online banking account at a public hotspot, only do so if you’re connected to a VPN (virtual private network).

The Internet of Things (IoT)
The Advantage:
The main advantage of the Internet is its ability to connect billions of computers and devices to each other. Not only does the Internet create convenience in sharing and receiving information between users, another advantage of the modern Internet is its ability for automation. Enter “The Internet of Things”, where devices and sensors communicate with each other to automatically perform a designated task or function. For example, a smart thermostat could reduce your energy cost by automatically adjusting the temperature when it senses you have left the house. Additionally, it “learns” your heating and cooling preferences and adjusts them to your liking.

The Problem:
While a smart thermostat can aid in reducing your energy cost, the downside is that a hacker could exploit the hardware of the thermostat and use it to spy on home owners. Since smart thermostats have access to information such as when you’re home or away, your zip code, and your WiFi credentials, a hacker who compromises the thermostat will now have access to all of this information.

Smart thermostats aren’t the only devices vulnerable to attacks. According to a recent study, 70 percent of IoT devices are vulnerable to cyber-attacks. This list includes thermostats, TVs, webcams, sprinkler control systems, home alarms, and door locks- just to name a few. The truth of the matter is that all of these devices have loopholes and vulnerabilities that could be exploited by just about anyone.

What You Can Do
If you chose to use IoT devices, make sure to examine the privacy policies and security features before making a purchase decision. Also, when new security patches or software updates are available, you should immediately update to the latest version. And finally, don’t be afraid to contact the company that manufacturers the device, should you have questions or concerns about the product.

Never Let Your Guard Down
Are we saying we should go back to how things were before the Internet? Absolutely not! The Internet offers great opportunity and advancement. However, keep in mind, the more convenient something is, the less secure it will be making it a lot more vulnerable for a hacker to exploit its weaknesses. Enjoy what the Internet has to offer, but always be conscious of the potential risks, as doing so goes a long way to helping you stay more secure in this connected world.

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In business, strategic planning is essential and requires valid information in order to make key decisions. Choosing the right tools for inputting, tracking, analyzing and storing data will help business owners and managers make the best choices for their company's business. One of the components within software productivity suites is the spreadsheet. Spreadsheets are popular among accountants and among those who like to collect and track data, yet there are some limitations, which may not make them the best choice for every office application.

Advantage: Organizing Data

Spreadsheets are frequently the go to tool for collecting and organizing data, which is among the simplest of its uses. Information can easily be placed in neat columns and rows and then sorted by information type. Although a large collection of data may be overwhelming to view in its raw state, tools within the program allow the user to create presentations where the data is analyzed and plugged into pie charts or tables for easy viewing and interpretation.

Disadvantage: User Bias

However, the downside is that only the information that the user chooses for analysis is included in these presentations, and therefore, other pertinent information that may influence decision making might be excluded, unintentionally. To make reporting of data more user friendly and comprehensive, companies are choosing to use reporting tools such as Tableau and Qlik, instead of relying solely on the spreadsheet.

Advantage: Streamlines Calculations

No one likes to spend all their time at work doing repetitive calculations. The great appeal of spreadsheets is that the program does all the math for the user. Once a formula is written and the program has a set command, complex calculations can easily be computed for the related data that has been input. This allows users to ask 'what if' types of questions and to easily get the answers they need without the need to rework the calculations.

For example, if the spreadsheet is set up to calculate your gross profit, when any variable such as cost per unit, shipping costs, or sales discount are changed, the software automatically recalculates the new gross profit based on the new information.

Disadvantage: Learning the Syntax Takes Skill

The difficult part for many users, is that the calculations must be entered into the spreadsheet as formulas. This requires learning the correct syntax for each type of calculation you wish to make. Although many classes are available to learn the skills necessary to use these formulas, many users still find them difficult. If the syntax is incorrect, the program will not return the correct information when the calculations are run. Additionally, if users input the wrong data, even in only one cell of the spreadsheet, all related calculations and cells will be affected and have incorrect data.

Advantage: Multiple User Access

Bespoke Software Advantages And Disadvantages

In today's collaborative work environment, multiple users within an office often need access to the same documents. If using Microsoft Excel, the spreadsheets can be shared, but only one user can change data at a time. If local copies are made and updated, other users will not have access to the new data. Google Sheets offers the solution of file sharing and allowing multiple users to access and update a single form.

Be aware that, in both cases, there is no file history. Therefore, no matter who makes changes at any time, when any changes are made, the previous information history is lost.

Disadvantage: Lack of Security

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Another spreadsheet disadvantage is the lack of security for your files. Typically, spreadsheets are not that secure and therefore are at greater risk for data corruption or mismanagement of information. Files that contain sensitive financial information may not be safe from hackers, even if password protected.

Other types of data collection software therefore may be a more suitable option. Access, Oracle or some other form of relational database has built in safeguards that protect data integrity and prevent the reorganization of information. For example, in a spreadsheet, a user might sort a column of information and may inadvertently cause related information, such as first and last name, to become out of sync. In contrast, a database will keep all parts of a record unified, thereby ensuring better data integrity.

References (2)

Open Source Software Advantages And Disadvantages

About the Author


Elisabeth Natter is a business owner and professional writer. She has done public relations work for several nonprofit organizations and currently creates content for clients of her suburban Philadelphia communications and IT solutions company. Her writing is often focused on small business issues and best practices for organizations. Her work has appeared in the business sections of bizfluent, azcentral and Happenings Media. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in journalism from Temple University.

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Natter, Elisabeth. 'The Advantages & Disadvantages of Spreadsheets.' Small Business -, 25 January 2019.
Natter, Elisabeth. (2019, January 25). The Advantages & Disadvantages of Spreadsheets. Small Business - Retrieved from
Natter, Elisabeth. 'The Advantages & Disadvantages of Spreadsheets' last modified January 25, 2019.

Advantages And Disadvantage Of Franchising

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