Clkbank Download Instructions To Operate

by Martin Brinkmann on March 04, 2012 in Internet - Last Update: March 04, 2012 - 1 comment

Back in 2007 I discovered by accident that virtual goods sold on the large digital marketplace Clickbank were not protected properly from unauthorized access (see Clickbank we have a problem). Five years later, I'm going to find out if Clickbank has resolved the issues, and if other marketplaces or products are also improperly protected from third party access.

Before I start, I'd like to point out that downloading those products without having purchased them first is not legal. My main motivation for writing the article is to raise awareness for the issue.


Below are the instructions to download your product. Your bank statement will show a charge by ClickBank or CLKBANK*COM. Below are step-by-step instructions to. Clkbank Download Instructions. Categories: Uncategorized. Fast downloads of the latest free free download mpeg player for mac software! K-lite codec pack is a collection of components needed for audio and video playback in directshow players. The k-lite codec tweak tool is a portable utility that can detect and fix a. Download k-lite codec.

  • The big issue here is that these are recommendations, and that many Clickbank vendors are not making use of them. If you search for 'CLKBANK Download instructions' or CLKBANK 'save as' for instance, you will come up with dozens, if not hundreds of product Thank you pages.
  • Vendors can use scripting languages like PHP or Perl to verify the visitor before the download page is displayed. If you search for 'CLKBANK Download instructions' or CLKBANK 'save as' for instance, you will come up with dozens, if not hundreds of product Thank you pages.
  • A charge from CLKBANK A Charge from paypal Paypal payment or paypal payment confirmed Paypal Statement CLKBANK 'save as' CLKBANK Download instructions CLKBANK*com CLKBANK 'right click' CLKBANK click Download the latest version of adobe acrobat reader 'right click' 'save target as' 'right click' save 'right click' 'save file as' Click here to.
  • Similar tags: affiliate program • bartending • bartending recipies • clickbank • clkbank • digital download protection • download • download protector • e-z download page protector • mrr • plr • protect my digital products • script • scripts Top tags: sound effects • games shop • service repair manual • yamaha.
  • Note: This transaction will appear on your statement as “CLKBANK*COM” or “CLICKBANK”. DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTIONS. Please follow the directions below: For the PDF adobe acrobat books just right-click on the links and save each item to your desktop or folder. For the teleseminar audio files, feel free to listen to them here or use the.

If you look at the Clickbank order process, you will notice that payments are handled by Clickbank, but that the products are provided by the merchants on their sites. The big issue here is that customers do not need accounts to buy the products, and that this means that vendors cannot protect their download pages by locking out everyone who has not an account.

Two core issues come together here:

Clkbank Download Instructions To Operate
  • The product download page is not protected, for instance by making it only accessible to registered users.
  • Search engines may index those links so that they become available publicly on the Internet.

The process itself has not changed in the past five years. Clickbank suggests however that merchants run scripts on their Thank you Page that checks the validity of the page visitor. The company has started to pass along values, the cbreceipt value for instance, the proof of purchase value or the item number to the thank you page. Vendors can use scripting languages like PHP or Perl to verify the visitor before the download page is displayed.

Clickbank furthermore suggests to add a meta tag to the Thank You Page that protects it from getting indexed by search engine robots. (see Protecting Your Products)

Clkbank Download Instructions

The big issue here is that these are recommendations, and that many Clickbank vendors are not making use of them.

If you search for 'CLKBANK Download instructions' or CLKBANK 'save as' for instance, you will come up with dozens, if not hundreds of product Thank you pages. The verification script could protect the download pages, but most sites during tests did not have that implemented. If a Thank You Page is indexed, it is an indicator that the vendor has not implemented the meta tag, and it is therefor very likely that the verification script has not been implemented as well.

You will find some broken links there. Vendors often change their Thank You Page url when they notice that it has been leaked on the Internet.

Is Clickbank the only digital marketplace that is favoring ease of access over product security? No it is not. Warrior Special Offers, or WSO, is another merchant where this is happening. These products concentrate on the Internet Marketing niche. When you search for wso thank you you will again find dozens of results that point directly to product download pages.

Those two are not the only marketplaces where virtual goods are sold.


If you, as a vendor, are limited by the marketplace protection-wise, you might want to think about switching the marketplace. It is not always a feasible thing to do, especially if the marketplace you are using is the only big player in your niche. Clickbank vendors should implement the protection suggested by the marketplace to protect their goods from being indexed by search engines and downloaded by people who have not purchased them.

Similar options may or may not be available on other marketplaces.


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After the charge was made on Jan 21, 2015, I finally spoke to clkbank on Jan 29, 2015, they refund all of the charges back to my credit card today on Jan 31, 2015. Before I start, I'd like to point out that downloading those products without having purchased them first is not legal. Buy Product CLickbankNote: This is a PDF download that will be delivered instantly upon completion of your purchase. The big issue here is that customers do not need accounts to buy the products, and that this means that vendors cannot protect their download pages by locking out everyone who has not an account.
The user can simply follow the instructions to buy or sell a particular currency pair using a forex platform.
The product download page is not protected, for instance by making it only accessible to registered users.
The verification script could protect the download pages, but most sites during tests did not have that implemented. Vendors can use scripting languages like PHP or Perl to verify the visitor before the download page is displayed. If you search for 'CLKBANK Download instructions' or CLKBANK 'save as' for instance, you will come up with dozens, if not hundreds of product Thank you pages. Clickbank vendors should implement the protection suggested by the marketplace to protect their goods from being indexed by search engines and downloaded by people who have not purchased them.
When you search for wso thank you you will again find dozens of results that point directly to product download pages.
I am wondering if there was a real problem with my computer and how ClkBank is affiliated with this company.

Clkbank Download Instructions To Operated

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