Game Maker Joystick Button Pressed For Silence

  1. Logitech Extreme 3d Joystick Button
  2. X52 Joystick Button Setup For Elite Dangerous
  3. Logitech Attack 3 Joystick Button Layout
  4. Joystick Button Hole Size
  5. Game Maker Joystick Button Pressed For Silencer

Joystick input joystick_axes joystick_buttons joystick_check_button joystick_direction joystick_exists joystick_has_pov joystick_name joystick_pov joystick_rpos joystick_upos joystick_vpos joystick_xpos joystick_ypos joystick_zpos Keyboard input io_clear keyboard_check keyboard_check_direct keyboard_check_pressed keyboard_check_released. Pausing/Unpausing with keyboard and gamepad? Not to bump the thread but aren't 'joystick_check_button_pressed' and 'joystick_check_button_pressed' inexistent in both Game Maker 8 and Game Maker: Studio? I believe they only exist for the new gamepad functions but not for the legacy ones. Game Development Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for professional and independent game developers. A “D-Pad” on a touch-screen; virtual d-pad. Ask Question 12. What I mean that it is not 'dumb', is that when you press the D-Pad and slide you finger out from the D-Pad area, it doesn't interfare with what happens on the. The joystick(s) must be pluged before runnig the game. In the Create event you must call the joystick_init() script. This checks the joystick(s) and list all of the buttons. In the step event you must call the joystick_listen() script. This 'listens' if the given joystick ID's button is pressed.

Yes. Game Maker contains many functions for using ajoystick.

Can you use a Joystick for fall out New Vegas on the PC?

Yes you can use a joystick on the PC. When you start Fallout New Vegas with a joystick connected (or connect when game running) it will recognize the joystick and use it as the only input device (yeah, the game designers made it so the keyboard/ mouse is disabled, which sucks).

What is the typical use of a joystick?

In years past, and in some small aircraft today, the joystick controls the elevator and ailerons of an airplane. In more common use today, the joystick is a device moved by hand to provide an input to a computer or game system to control functions in a program, such as a game.

What was the first video game to use a joystick?

It was the Atari a great early system. It had a joystick and one button. The first game it came with was pong. It was like virtual Ping Pong.

What is a joystick used for?

A joystick is used for game system like the XBox.

How do you describe a joystick?

A joystick is a stick, which varies in size, with padding on it. A joystick is usually used when a person is playing a video game.

A joystick is an example of what?

A joystick is an example of a hardware gaming device. It is used to control player through out the game with the interaction on joystick buttons.

How do you edit exe in game maker?

Executables (even compiled by Game Maker) are not possible to edit in Game Maker. To edit it you would have to decompile or disassemble it, or use a hex editor. Game Maker can only edit files such as *.gmk, *.gm81 and older versions of the Game Maker files.

How do you make games on the computer?

You could use game maker. Download it by typing download game maker. This will be a freeware

Do i need a joystick to play a PS2 game on your PC?

How do you use a joystick with Call of Duty 2?

What do aircraft use?

How do you convert your game into code on game maker?

I'm sorry my friend, but it's not that easy. You have to do the whole thing by yourself. Use the Game Maker Wiki for help. Just type in Game Maker Wiki on Google.

What is a Game Maker programme that is good to use that is not Game Maker 7?

Rpgvx/Rpgxp and I hope I helped you and I am only new

What does a joystick of a computer do?

Controlls various functions of the computer, in some cases, a joystick can be used to control a game.

If you download game maker will it cause virus?

No. Game Maker doesn't give a virus more than any other program does. Although there are rumors that spread around made only to make so people don't use Game Maker and use their game making program.

What connects to a game port?

Should you use a game pad or joystick on battlefield 1942 and battlefield Vietnam for PC?

How do you become a stick game maker?

Can we use joystick for a laptop?

yes ofcourse..... You need to purcahse a USB joystick... for ur Lappy

How do you use game maker decompiler?

install java, then it will work NOTE: The Game Maker Decompiler is ILLEGAL. You can only use it to decompile your own games if you lost the GMK, but still have the EXE.

How to use usb joystick to play PS1 games on PC?

1. U need a PS2 2.a USB joystick 3.some kind of cool game for ps1-ps2 plug in and go to options shood work

Who is the best game maker?

Sorry, But this area is for game maker questions only, GAME MAKER, As in the PROGRAM GAME MAKER, Not Other Game Makers, Game maker is owned by yoyo games, So please dont post questions about other game makers here, but, to answer your question, game maker is the best game maker, just search yoyogames game maker in google UK.

What is joystick and wheel?

Logitech Extreme 3d Joystick Button

A joystick is the stuff they use for PAC Man. This is a lot of cool devices for great gamers.

How can you make a videogame?

What and was and the and very and first and video and game?


Why was the Joystick invented?

The joystick was invented in the first decade of the twentieth century. Its original use was as one of the controls of an aircraft.

What is the name of the software that is use to create your own game?

What is the best game making program?

If you know how to use it, GAME MAKER If not, Sploder's pretty good

How do you make cutscenes on game maker?

Use Timelines or Alarms I'm working on a cutscene maker, so it is easier to make

Activation code for game maker 8?

It is illegal to share such a thing. If you have lost your code, contact YoYo Games. If you have not bought Game Maker 8, use lite.

What is the avtavation code for game maker 8?

It is illegal to share such a thing. If you have lost your code, contact YoYo Games. If you have not bought Game Maker 8, use lite.

How do you guide the robot on poptropica?

How do you use game maker?

tutorials are available on, but maybe you need something easier. other available programs are rpg maker, fps creator, 3d game maker, and adobe flash(a little harder)

What programs do game makers use?

Game Maker is the only one that should be talked about in this section of the website. It is very easy to use.

What does a joystick have to do with space?

A joystick and space have in common the means to guide a space vehicle or the control for a video game. The joystick is modeled after a NASA invention to help pilot robotic spacecraft while exploring different planets or the moon.

What 2d Game Maker is free and where you have to make everything like the maps and monsters by yourself?

X52 Joystick Button Setup For Elite Dangerous

The best game maker available on internet, for 2d games is, YoyoGames Game Maker. It can do anything for you in 2d, and it's very simple to use, just you need to do is, mind about what you are doing with it.....

Is my YoYo Games account the same as my Game Maker Community account?

Well, actually no........... You have to create a new account on Game Maker Community, to use it......... Hope you find it usefull.............

Can you use wireless joystick in normal PS2?

What input device is useful for playing games?

A joystick is probably the most common input device you'd think of when it comes to games. However, you could also use a flight controller, a trackball, or a mouse. But generally, you'd use a joystick unless you are playing a flight simulation game that requires a flight controller.

What is the function of the joystick?

The primary use of a joystick is to play games as it controls the movement of objects quickly and accurately. In some cases joystick are used to control the movement of specific devices such as video surveillance cameras.

What is game maker 7 pro activation code?

The Game Maker 7 Pro activation code allows you to upgrade from Game Maker 7 Lite to Game Maker 7 Pro.

How can you make an object appear on game maker in code?

Can you use a joystick on spore?

What is the common use of a joystick?

What was the first game created?

The first game created wasn't actually a game just for fun, it was a game console used in war around the 1940's. Someone would use a joystick to control the rockets and where they would go an all that.

Is Game Maker 7 legal?

I do not really understand your question. Yoyogames and Game Maker are completely legitamate programs/companys. Game Maker 7 is legal as long as you either use GM7 Lite or have paid for GM7 Pro. Obviously 'hacking' or 'cracking' GM7 Pro is illegal.

How do you make a math game on game maker?

Creating a math game using Game Maker is the same as creating a regular game. The only difference is that your sprites will most likely be math problems (ex. 8x9=?). If you are not familar with Game Maker, try learning the basics of it before creating a math game. Anyway, I would like to say that if you're going to make a complicated math game, Game Maker is the easiest game creator to use, but…

Why does your guy keep walking on Fallout 3 Vegas for PS3?

If you mean you're moving without hitting any buttons then it's most likely that the joystick(s) weren't centre when you turned on the game or when you turned on/plunged in your controller. This makes the game think that whenever the Joystick was when you turned the game on is the centre meaning that when the Joystick is centre it's off centre and you will walk.

In game maker how do you make a 2.5d game?

Joystick button hole size

2 d game engine, then use the techniques of the illusion of 3 d graphics

Logitech Attack 3 Joystick Button Layout

What is a joystick used for on a computer?


A joystick is connected to the computer and can be used as an alternate control for the likes of Video Games. Although not commonly used nowadays as people tend to prefer to just use their keyboards and mouses they are still a great means for driving, flying and First game shooters.

Joystick Button Hole Size

Posted by3 years ago

Game Maker Joystick Button Pressed For Silencer

EDIT: I want to rephrase my question so it makes more sense. A good example is my menu system. If I press and hold down on the dpad, it works fine because my code says (gamepad_button_check_pressed(0,gp_padd)) and it just moves down one slot. However if I hold down on my left analog stick, the select cursor goes nuts moving down each menu item rapid fire because it's checking for if I'm holding down each frame - my current code for this is (gamepad_axis_value(0,gp_axislv) < 0) - Is there a way to make the analog stick behave as if it's a button_check_pressed?

I'm adding gamepad support and I was wondering if there's a way to check if an analog stick has been 'pressed' vs just holding it down, like there are for other keys, for instance (gamepad_button_check_pressed(0,gp_padd)); I ask because I have platforms that I want the character to be able to jump down through by pressing down on the stick, but if they're holding down when they jump on it I don't want them to just pass through, if that makes sense.

I figure I could make a 'analogpressed' variable that turns on when the stick is pressed and then immediately off based on a timer, but just wondered if there was a more elegant solution. Thanks.