Python Install Pyqt4 Windows

Mar 04, 2018  Hey guys, In this video I will show the steps to install pyqt4 on windows 10 that is compatible for python v 3.6. Pyqt wheel file: Note that there are two versions of PyQt that are available namely, PyQt 4.8 and PyQt 5.5. While PyQt4 is available for Python 2 as well as Python 3, PyQt5 can be used along with Python 3.* only. PyQt4 Windows Binaries. Applications made with Python and Pyqt work on Windows, Mac and Unix. There are two major versions of Pyqt: PyQt4 and PyQt5. PyQt is the most popular GUI module for Python. PyQt4 is a comprehensive set of Python bindings for Digia’s Qt cross platform GUI toolkit. PyQt4 supports Python v2 and v3.

Event-driven programming changes how programs function. Instead of following a list of instructions in the order defined by the programmer, instructions are executed based on events that are performed by the program user.

Install PySide and PyQt on Windows, Mac and Linux This article is part 1 of 8 in the series Python PySide/PyQt Tutorial Published: Wednesday 9 th January 2013. Hey guys, In this video I will show the steps to install pyqt4 on windows 10 that is compatible for python v 3.6. Pyqt wheel file:

An event could be:

  • The clicking of a button
  • The dragging and dropping of an item
  • The selection of a command from a menu

Event-driven programming requires a graphical user interface. Therefore we are going to investigate this programming paradigm using the PyQt framework.


PyQt is the Python implementation of Qt, which is a cross-platform application and user interface framework. This means that the same code is used to generate the user interface on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.

Qt is incredibly sophisticated and capable and it will take you a long time to become familiar with its available operations. Therefore, you will need to keep the PyQt class reference under your pillow.


PyQt requires that you have a good understanding of object-oriented programming as the framework uses this paradigm through-out. If you are not comfortable with OOP, please spend more time developing the exercises from our OOP section before attempting this section.

This tutorial

This tutorial is designed to introduce you to some of the main concepts that underpin PyQt and also to familiarise you with the types of components, called widgets in PyQt, that your students are likely to need whilst developing projects for A-Level.

Through this series of tutorials you will take the crop, animal and field classes that you created during the object-oriented tutorials and develop them into graphical, event-driven programs.

  • Previous - Installing PyQt on Windows
  • Next - Graphical crop simulation
Python Install Pyqt4 Windows

Update 1/10/2008: PyQt has made the install process a lot simpler because it has bundled everything you need in one installer including QT 4.3 open source edition. Now all you need to do is install Python and the PyQt bundle. Immediately following are the updated steps. Below that is the old instructions.

Update 7/1/2008: Updated for PyQt 4.4.2


Here are the steps to install and create a simple 'Hello World' GUI application using PyQt 4.4, and Python 2.5, on Windows.

Install Python 2.5
  1. Go to and click on 'Python 2.5.x Windows installer'
  2. Save and run the Windows installer
  3. Go through the steps and accept the defaults.

Install the PyQt 4.4 bundle (including QT 4.4)
  1. Go to and select the 'PyQt-Py2.5-gpl-4.4.2-1.exe' link.
  2. Save and run the file.
  3. Go through the steps and accept the defaults.

Run a 'Hello World' application
  1. Go to 'Start' -> 'All Programs' -> 'Python 2.5' -> 'IDLE (Python GUI)'
  2. Open a new window ('File' -> 'New window')
  3. Type the following code inside and save:
  4. Hit 'F5' to run. A window with a single push button should pop up.

For more examples, go to 'Start' -> 'All Programs' -> 'PyQt GPL v4.4.2 for Python v2.5' > 'Examples' > 'PyQt Examples Source' (For a default installation, this is also located at C:Python25PyQt4examples.) To start, look in the 'tutorial' directory.


Here are the steps to install and create a simple 'Hello World' GUI application using PyQt 4.1.1, Python 2.5, and QT 4.2.2 Open Source edition (GPL) on Windows XP with the MinGW compiler.Python install pyqt4 windows 8
Install Python 2.5
  1. Go to and click on 'Python 2.5 Windows installer'
  2. Save and run the Windows installer
  3. Go through the steps and accept the defaults.

Install MinGW
  1. Go to
  2. Download the following 'bin' files from the 'Current' section:
    • gcc-core-3.4.2-20040916-1.tar.gz
    • gcc-g++-3.4.2-20040916-1.tar.gz
    • mingw-runtime-3.9.tar.gz
    • w32api-3.6.tar.gz
  3. Extract all the files to 'c:mingw'

Install QT 4.2.2 Open Source edition
Install pyqt4 windows 10

How To Install Pyqt4 Windows

  1. Go to the Open Source download page at Note there is also an Evaluation version. This is *not* the one you want.
  2. Under the 'Download' heading, select the '' link.
  3. Go through the steps and accept the defaults.
  4. When you get to the MinGW page, leave the 'Download and install minimal MinGW installation' box unchecked and make sure the location of the MinGW installation is set to 'c:mingw'. Click 'Install'.
  5. You will get an error message which says that the installer could not find a valid 'w32api.h' file. You can install the 3.2 version from the mingw site, but the 3.6 version works. Click 'Yes' to continue. Click 'Finish' to finish the installation.

Install PyQt 4.1.1
  1. Go to and select the 'PyQt-gpl-4.1.1-Py2.5-Qt4.2.2.exe' link.
  2. Save and run the file.
  3. Go through the steps and accept the defaults.

Check your Environment Variables
  1. Right-click on 'My Computer' and select 'Properties'
  2. Click the 'Advanced' tab
  3. Click 'Environment Variables'
  4. The following variables should be set:
    • user variable QTDIR - 'c:qt4.2.2'
    • user variable QMAKESPEC - 'win32-g++'
    • system variable PATH - include 'C:Qt4.2.2bin;C:Python25Scripts;C:Python25;C:Python25DLLs;'

Python Install Pyqt4 Windows Xp

Run a 'Hello World' application
  1. Go to 'Start' -> 'All Programs' -> 'Python 2.5' -> 'IDLE (Python GUI)'
  2. Open a new window ('File' -> 'New window')
  3. Type the following code inside and save:
  4. Hit 'F5' to run.

How To Install Pyqt4

Technorati tags: python, pyqt

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Python Install Pyqt4 Windows 8

Python Install Pyqt4 Pip Install

#1Anonymous commented on :

Install Pyqt4 Windows 10

Thank you for perfect instruction. THX