Ciao Bella Full Version

Ciao, Bello is an answer to the Italian phrase Ciao, Bella. Specifically, the greeting ciao means 'hi, hello.' The feminine adjective/pronoun bella and the masculine bello mean 'gorgeous.' The respective pronunciations are 'tchow* BEHL-loh' and 'tchow BEHL-lah.' *The sound is similar to that in the English noun 'chow.' The song Bella Ciao was sung by the left-wing anti-fascist resistance. A slightly different Italian version - Canzoniere: Bella ciao. Elements are made available under the same license where attribution must include acknowledgement of The Full Wiki as the source on the page same page with a link back to this page with no nofollow.

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'Bella ciao'
('Goodbye beautiful!')
Music byTraditional
Lyrics byUnknown

'Bella ciao' is an Italian partisan song of World War II.

  • 3Alternate translation
  • 4International versions


The song Bella Ciao was sung by the left-winganti-fascist resistance movement in Italy,a movement by anarchists, communists, socialists and other militant anti-fascistpartisans. The author of the lyricsis unknown, and the music seems to come from an earlier folksong sung by riceweeders in the Po Valley. Another interpretation has beengiven following the discovery in 2006 by Fausto Giovannardi of theCD 'Klezmer - Yiddish swing music' including the melody 'Koilen'played in 1919 by Mishka Ziganoff.[1]


Note: rhymes could not be rendered in English, and several shortItalian words (bella, ciao) translate into longEnglish words (beautiful, goodbye), so that theresult is rather 'heavier' than the original version. Also, thereare several verses which differ in the Italian version, i.e.different ways to sing those verses. Those are written inbrackets.

Italian lyrics
Una mattina mi son svegliato,
o bella, ciao! bella, ciao! bella, ciao, ciao, ciao!
Una mattina mi son svegliato,
e ho trovato l'invasor.
O partigiano, portami via,
o bella, ciao! bella, ciao! bella, ciao, ciao, ciao!
O partigiano, portami via,
ché mi sento di morir.
E se io muoio da partigiano,
(E se io muoio sulla montagna)
o bella, ciao! bella, ciao! bella, ciao, ciao, ciao!
E se io muoio da partigiano,
(E se io muoio sulla montagna)
tu mi devi seppellir.
E seppellire lassù in montagna,
(E tu mi devi seppellire)
o bella, ciao! bella, ciao! bella, ciao, ciao, ciao!
E seppellire lassù in montagna,
(E tu mi devi seppellire)
sotto l'ombra di un bel fior.
Tutte le genti che passeranno,
(E tutti quelli che passeranno)
o bella, ciao! bella, ciao! bella, ciao, ciao, ciao!
Tutte le genti che passeranno,
(E tutti quelli che passeranno)
Mi diranno «Che bel fior!»
(E poi diranno «Che bel fior!»)
«È questo il fiore del partigiano»,
(E questo è il fiore del partigiano)
o bella, ciao! bella, ciao! bella, ciao, ciao, ciao!
«È questo il fiore del partigiano,
(E questo è il fiore del partigiano)
morto per la libertà!»
(che e' morto per la liberta')
English translation
One morning I awakened
Oh Goodbye beautiful, Goodbye beautiful, Goodbye beautiful!Bye! Bye!
One morning I awakened
And I found the invader
Oh partisan carry me away
Oh Goodbye beautiful, Goodbye beautiful, Goodbye beautiful!Bye! Bye!
Oh partisan carry me away
Because I feel death approaching
And if I die as a partisan
(And if I die on the mountain)
Oh Goodbye beautiful, Goodbye beautiful, Goodbye beautiful!Bye! Bye!
And if I die as a partisan
(And if I die on the mountain)
Then you must bury me
Bury me up in the mountain
(And you have to bury me)
Oh Goodbye beautiful, Goodbye beautiful, Goodbye beautiful!Bye! Bye!
Bury me up in the mountain
(And you have to bury me)
Under the shade of a beautiful flower
And the people who shall pass
(And all those who shall pass)
Oh Goodbye beautiful, Goodbye beautiful, Goodbye beautiful!Bye! Bye!
And the people who shall pass
(And all those who shall pass)
Will tell me: 'what a beautiful flower'
(And they will say: 'what a beautiful flower')
This is the flower of the partisan
(And this is the flower of the partisan)
Oh Goodbye beautiful, Goodbye beautiful, Goodbye beautiful!Bye! Bye!
This is the flower of the partisan
(And this is the flower of the partisan)
Who died for freedom
kordish translation and song by rojhanbeken
Carê sibehek dema şîyarbûm çaw bella çaw çaw
Girêda yî destê min welatê xwe dibînim
Her alî li bin destan e
Wa ro wê bizê ,kulîlk bişkivîn çaw bella çaw çaw
Ê hatin û biçin wê bêjin dem xweş be
Dem xweş be ey gula xweşik
Tu jî partîzan Min bi xwe re bibe Çaw Bella
Min Jî bi xwe re bibe Ber bi çiyayên xwe
Nikar bikşînim girtîngeh
Ger Ez Bêm kuştin bi partizanî Çaw Bella
Tu min veşêrî bi herdû destên xwe
Destên xwe di xaka min de


Alternate, less literal and more 'singable' translation - whichalso makes explicit some aspects that are left implicit in theItalian text:

One morning when I awakened
Oh beauty bye, beauty bye, beauty bye-bye-bye!
One morning when I awakened
I found invaders all around
Oh partisan, come take me with you
Oh beauty bye, beauty bye, beauty bye-bye-bye!
Oh partisan, come take me with you
Because I feel ready to die
If I die fighting as a partisan
Oh beauty bye, beauty bye, beauty bye-bye-bye!
If I die fighting as a partisan
You must come and bury me
Bury me there, up in the mountains
Oh beauty bye, beauty bye, beauty bye-bye-bye!
Bury me there, up in the mountains
Shade my grave with a lovely flower

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So all the people who pass that way
Oh beauty bye, beauty bye, beauty bye-bye-bye!
So all the people who pass that way
Will say 'Oh see that lovely flower! - '
'Ah that's the flower of the partisan fighter - '
Oh beauty bye, beauty bye, beauty bye-bye-bye!
'Ah that's the flower of the partisan fighter
who died for freedom's sake!'

International versions

The song has been recorded by various artists in many differentlanguages including Italian, Russian, Bosnian, Kurdish, Croatian, Serbian, Serbo-Croatian, Hungarian, English, Spanish, Finnish, Kabyle, German, Turkish, Japanese,Tagalog,Breton andChinese.

  • The song is sung in a slightly different manner by Norwegian socialists. This Norwegianversion describes the oppression of workers on the rice fields, andspeaks of the freedom to come.
  • Bella Ciao is the end theme song for the YugoslavWorld War II movie Most (TheBridge, The Savage Bridge).
  • A rewritten version of the song can be heard on Chumbawamba's acousticalbum 'A Singsong and a Scrap'.
  • Another version of the song was recorded by the punk rock bandDog Faced Hermans[2] on thealbum 'Every Day Time Bomb.'
  • Former Yugoslav punk rock bands KUD Idijoti and laterGoblini recorded theirversions of the track.
  • Hungarian punk rock band Aurora has performed the song.
  • Boston, Ma based band HUMANWINE performed the song at their6/27/09 concert at the Paradise in Boston.
  • The German hip-hop group Chaoze One has recorded an electronicversion of the song with opera singing on their album 'NeueKreise.'
  • Renowned filkmusicianLeslieFish has written and performed several versions of the song,one of which can be found on the album 'Smoked Fish'.
  • Folk artist Mirah lent hervoice to this song on her 2004 album To All We Stretch the OpenArm.
  • Anita Lanerecorded a version in English for her 2001 album 'SexO'Clock'.
  • Les Ramoneurs de menhirs did aversion in Breton and French but called it BellARB.

See also

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  • Fischia il vento - another songassociated with the Italian partisans
  • Alexandrov Ensemble - one of theperformers of this song
  • Alexandrov Ensemblesoloists - some of whom recorded this song
  • Alexandrov Ensemblediscography - which includes this song
  • Hungarian version of thesong - a dal Magyar változata.


  1. ^'Da ballata yiddish a innopartigiano il lungo viaggio di Bella ciao'.
  2. ^


Ciao Bella Full Version

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  • A slightly different Italianversion from the website of the Associazione NazionalePartigiani d'Italia
  • BellaCiao and other partisans songs from the website of the AssociazioneNazionale Partigiani d'Italia section of Rimini
  • Text of Bella ciao in 30languages, with commentaries
  • Alternative histories ofBella ciao
  • Ma Belle Adieu,translated and sung in French by Laurence Biasizzo with Pavos Rojos