How To Install Windows 7 On Freedos Laptop Desk

Tech and Science topics: phones, computers, gadgets, and the Internet, astronomy & earth science, climate & weather, environment & green living and much more. Oct 08, 2013  Welcome to Windows 7 Forums.Our forum is dedicated to helping you find support and solutions for any problems regarding your Windows 7 PC be it Dell, HP, Acer, Asus or a custom build.

  • Trying to install windows 7 on preinstalled windows 8 laptop I just bought an HP laptop with Windows 8 on it. I cant stand windows 8 and wanted to put 7 back on but im running into some problems.
  • The solution to installing Windows 7 from a USB drive is just to turn off secure boot in the BIOS, turn on Legacy booting, and install from a black port on the back of the computer, rather than using the blue USB 3.0 ports.
  • Like with other versions of Windows, the 'clean' or 'custom' method of installing Windows 7 is the smartest way to go compared to an 'upgrade' install or the less common 'parallel' install. This 34-step tutorial will walk you through every individual step of the process.
  • Step Two: Boot From Your USB Drive. RELATED: How to Boot Your Computer From a Disc or USB Drive Next, you’ll want to boot your computer from that USB drive. You may have to alter some settings in the BIOS to do this, or your computer may allow it out of the box.
  • This document provide instructs users on how to clean install the Microsoft(R) Windows(R) 10 operating system on ThinkCentre(R) and Lenovo desktop computers.

Installing Windows might sound like a daunting task but it's really quite easy, especially if you're installing a more recent operating system like Windows 10, Windows 8 or Windows 7. But no need to take your computer into the local experts for a simple reinstall - you can install Windows all by yourself!

Just find the Windows operating system below that you're planning to install and then click on for visual, step-by-step guides explaining how to install each OS.

Install Windows 10

Windows 10 is Microsoft's latest version of Windows and installation of this operating system is probably the easiest of them all.

How to install windows 7 on freedos laptop desktop

I'm still working on my famously detailed walkthroughs but in the meantime, this fantastic overview from How-To Geek will do.

If you already have Windows 10 installed and you're looking to reinstall it, even as a 'clean' reinstall, the Reset This PC process is an easier-to-do, and equally effective, way to do this. See How to Reset Your PC in Windows 10 for a full walkthrough.

Install Windows 8

The very best way to install Windows 8 is with a method called a 'clean install.'

With a clean install, you'll get that 'new computer' feel with Windows 8, without all the junk software. If you're replacing a previous version of Windows, clean installing Windows 8 is most certainly what you want to do.

Here's a complete tutorial of the Windows 8 clean install process, complete with screenshots and detailed advice along the way.

There's not usually much reason to install Windows 8. Windows 10 is better and you can usually get it for free with your Windows 8 activation code.

Install Windows 7

Windows 7 is probably the easiest Windows operating system to install. You're only asked a few important questions during the installation - most of the setup process is completely automatic.

Like with other versions of Windows, the 'clean' or 'custom' method of installing Windows 7 is the smartest way to go compared to an 'upgrade' install or the less common 'parallel' install.

This 34-step tutorial will walk you through every individual step of the process.

Install Windows Vista

Like Windows 7, the Windows Vista install process is very easy and straightforward.

In this short walkthrough from TechTarget, you'll see how to boot from the install DVD and step through the major sections of this process.

Install Windows XP

Installing Windows XP can be a bit frustrating and time consuming, especially when compared to the installation processes in Microsoft's newer operating systems.

Don't worry that you can't do this one, however. Yes, there are lots of steps, and thank goodness Microsoft solved some of these tedious things in newer versions of Windows, but if you still need Windows XP, and you're installing it new, or reinstalling it from scratch, this tutorial will help.

If you're trying to solve a problem and haven't yet given the repair install process available in Windows XP a try yet, do that first. See How to Perform a Windows XP Repair Install for a complete walkthrough.

How to install windows 8/8.1/10 on any UEFI & AHCI supported laptop
( E.I G751, G771, G551 GL552 etc) the PROPER way

I.E: on a GPT formatted disk, booted with UEFI
*** G752 owner ?? ***
*** Do you wish to use RAID and/or NVME ? ***

* *

The 'why should I bother' ?
you've got ROG Laptop, best in the market, fitted with UEFI, 'the newest form of BIOS'. ( READ MORE HERE )
No reason to work with OS that is installed on a MBR formatted drive that's running on a BIOS emulated machine (like some preinstalled windows), if you wish the fastest laptop, OS & applications !
OS on a GPT formatted disk, booted with UEFI, is BETTER THEN MBR & BIOS !
Why ?
  • Way Faster OS boot (I.E POST), with NO blinking underscore !
  • Better (auto) chances to recover info from bad/damaged sector/block !
    (Partition table is redundantly stored, checked using CRC)
  • No 2TiB limit on HDD size
How To Install Windows 7 On Freedos Laptop Desk
In my opinion win 10 is faster in desktop/office work ( gaming: depends ) but the down side is the privacy headache.
There are multiple scripts you MUST run, if you care about your own privacy! (see few post below,WIP!)
Win8.1 is a bit slower in desktop/office use, but does NOT have such privacy 'spying' as win 10.
Any way you choose, you MUST install it on a GPT formatted drive, and MUST boot the OS installation disk/usb through a 'special' boot method ( I.E UEFI boot ).
HERE's A Benchmark review
The 'What's required' ?
There are multiple apps to format&create the required partitions, including the one during windows installation process.
The latter, creating more partitions then what most of consumers really needs !
Windows installer format a GPT based drive like that:
  • 'Windows' is the OS partition - a MUST HAVE partition of course
  • MSR is 'MS reserve partition' - a MUST HAVE partition that is there in-order to: READ HERE.
    for win8.1 MSR MIN size recommended by MS to be 128MB, in win10 is recommended to be 16MB. As common users does NOT utilize any of the features that require the MSR partition, it's advisable to use the MIN recommended size by MS.
  • 'System' partition is the where the 'EFI' supported windows-boot-files sit, therefore - a MUST HAVE partition of course.
  • 'Windows RE tools' - is important IN MOST CASES if you use windows built-in drive encryption. READ MORE HERE.
    As I KNOW by experience that win7,8.1,10 CAN WORK WITHOUT 'Windows RE tools' partition -> 'Windows RE tools' partition is NOT necessary !!

The 'How to Guide' ?
1st Part: How to create & boot a windows installation disk/usb,

I.E through UEFI boot !

  1. NOTE: IT'S IMPERATIVE that you boot the installation disk AS UEFI COMPATIBLE DEVICE !
    (otherwise you cannot install windows on a GPT formatted drive )
    There are MANY guides to show how to create the installation DISK/USB in the right manner:
    ONE OPTION, another OPTION, another OPTION, 'official way' for win10 ONLY.
  2. It's also imperative that, although you've created the installation disk/usb in the right way, you MUST ALSO BOOT IT IN THE RIGHT WAY: (I.E UEFI boot !)
    • Make sure in the BIOS that 'LAUCH CSM' is DISABLED !!
      Please look at the following photo. To boot the INSTALLATION DISK as 'UEFI' meaning picking the 2nd option from the top (NOT the 3rd) !!
    • If you didn't see & picked 'uefi: xxxxxxx' (xxx = name of your disk/usb) at the boot selection screen -> read and DO '1st part' again !

2nd Step: How to format a drive with GPT layout for windows 8/8.1/10 ?

  • LESS RECOMMENDED: instead of formatting and losing data, you can CONVERT your MBR disk to be a GPT disk: Guide HERE.

* The 'easy'/quick method:
  1. READ Part 1 above, do ONLY that -> then continue to Step B just below.
    After that, you should see the 'Windows setup' screen, which allows you to pick your language.
  2. Follow this EXCELLENT guide with screenshots till STEP 10.
  3. Continue to read '3rd part' to install windows.

* The advanced/manual method

How To Install Windows 7 On Freedos Laptop Desktop

is through set of commands of 'DISKPART' utility. (SOURCE: MS official page)
The BIG ADVANTAGE with this method, that 'Windows RE Tool' partition won't be created, thus you profit from the free-space ( ~300 MB ) and one less partition to be shown when you look at the partition map/list.

How To Install Windows 7 Service Pack 1

How To Install Windows 7 On Freedos Laptop Desktop

  1. 1st, boot into windows recovery environment, and open CMD -> write 'diskpart' -> enter -> wait for it to load.
    ( 'How to' guide HERE )
  2. VERY IMPORTANT: inside 'diskpart', write: 'list disk' to see all your disks.
    Note the disk number of the disk you wish to format.
    Write 'select disk #' where # = disk number you wish to format.
  3. ONLY THEN perform the following commands: (lines start with 'rem' are notes... NOT commands!)
    convert gpt
    rem Note: convert your MBR based drive to GPT based drive
    create partition efi size=100
    rem Note: 'size=100' meaning the partition size will be 100MBytes
    format quick fs=fat32 label='System'
    assign letter='S'
    rem Note: replace the following '#' with a number as follows: #=128 for win8.1 | #=16 for win10
    create partition msr size=#
    rem Note: For the following command(in white):
    rem Note: this way all the rest of the disk space will be 'C'/windows OS partition.
    rem Note: if you wish to have another partitions ( E.I for file storage/archive) add a 'size=#'
    rem Note: after the word 'primary', where '#' is a number, the size in Mbytes of your
    rem Note: Windows OS partition, I.E the rest of the free space will be the other partition you
    rem Note: choose to have.
    rem Note: To be more precise, that next line of command might be:
    rem Note: create partition primary size=#

    create partition primary
    format quick fs=ntfs label='Windows'
    assign letter='W'
    rem Note: to quite diskpart utility, input another exit will close the CMD window and you'll be return to the previous screen, which you must reboot afterward in order to accomplish the next step
    • NOTE: if you create additional partition after the 'windows' partition, you can format it now, or after the OS installation, through the 'disk management' utility -> it really doesn't matter to the OS installation procedure, but it's best to leave it to later, just to prevent you from massing the disk structure, if you don't know what you're doing.

  4. finally, continue to read '3rd part' below to install windows.